- Vergleich ökologischer Aspekte von Nachhaltigkeitsberichten deutscher Automobilhersteller
Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2023, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Decision tree learning for modeling price auctions of day-ahead electricity markets
Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2021, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian ZielM.Sc. Paul Ghelasi - Simulation-based Forecasting of Intraday Power Prices (Original Title: Simulation-based Forecasting of Intraday Power Prices)
Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2021, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Intensive agriculture and its environmental impacts in the economic context (Original Title: Intensive Landwirtschaft und deren Umweltauswirkungen im ökonomischen Kontext)
Bachelor Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2021, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Welche Cryptocurrency ist hinsichtlich ihres Energieverbrauchs am effizientesten?
Bachelor Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2021, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Modelling the order book of the German (continuous) intraday electricity market (Original Title: Modelling the order book of the German (continuous) intraday electricity market)
Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2020, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Short-term renewables position management in intraday electricity markets (Original Title: Short-term renewables position management in intraday electricity markets)
Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2020, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Die CO₂-Steuer als Internalisierungsmaßnahme - eine theoretische Analyse
Bachelor Thesis Law, 2020, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Data Science Methods for Probabilistic Natural Gas Price Forecasting (Original Title: Data Science Methods for Probabilistic Natural Gas Price Forecasting)
Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2020, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Die Betrachtung erneuerbarer Energien nach Ende des EEG Förderzeitraumes - Eine betriebswirtschaftliche Sicht
Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2020, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Der Vergleich von Vergleichsportalen - ein Vergleich von qualitativen und quantitativen Merkmalen
Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2020, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Die Einführung neuer Sektoren in ein bestehendes Emissionshandelssystem
Bachelor Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2020, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Die Mehrkosten des Ökostroms - Ein Kostenvergleich zwischen grauem und grünem Strom
Bachelor Thesis Economics, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Autarke Stromversorgung von Insellösungen in Anlehnung an das Großprojekt "RedoxWind"
Bachelor Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - The next trade - a continuous price model of the German intraday electricity market (Original Title: The next trade - a continuous price model of the German intraday electricity market)
Master Thesis Business Administration, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Statistical analysis of the probability of scenarios for the German electricity market (Original Title: Statistical analysis of the probability of scenarios for the German electricity market)
Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Probabilistic Forecasting of Electrcity Prices using Derivative Data (Original Title: Probabilistic Forecasting of Electrcity Prices using Derivative Data)
Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Econometrics of the German day-ahead control reserve market (Original Title: Econometrics of the German day-ahead control reserve market)
Master Thesis Econometrics, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Wirtschaftlichkeitsvergleich eines Fuhrparks mit elektrischem und konventionellem Antrieb
Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Kraftwerksbewertung im Hinblick auf CO₂-Emissionen
Bachelor Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Probabilistic Short-Term Water Demand Forecasting (Original Title: Probabilistic Short-Term Water Demand Forecasting)
Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Ökonometriche Modellierung der Treibhausgasemissionen in Europa
Master Thesis Econometrics, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Verursachungsgerechte Abweichungsanalyse von Regressionsschätzungen als Analytisches Prüfungsverfahren
Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Combination of wind power forecasts using data science methods (Original Title: Combination of wind power forecasts using data science methods)
Master Thesis Business Information Systems, 2018, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Investitionen in Photovoltaikanlagen im Rahmen des EEG 2017
Bachelor Thesis, 2018, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel - Ausschreibungen von onshore Windparks und deren Finanzierung
Bachelor Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2018, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel